Thanks for visiting!

Tim plays baseball and Whitney follows him around. This page was created so that our friends and family can have a glimpse into our daily lives while we're on the road. Love and miss you all!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

And today's the day...

Woot woot!!! We leave for Orlando today! I'm ready for sunny weather and laying out. God only knows how badly I need a tan. Here's a list of things I love about Orlando and what I'm looking forward to:

2. Pool
3. OUTLETS!!!!!
4. Benihanas sushi!
5. Downtown Disney
6. Wolfgang Puck PIZZA. Yummm...
7. Bahama Breeze
7. Old Towne!!!!
8. Watching my hubby play baseball!
9. Warm breeze at night
10. Downtown Orlando
11. CELEBRATION!!!!!!!!

That's only a few. I really do love Orlando and this year, I get to be there the WHOLE time with the boy! I'll miss my family like crazy but shhhh, I'm still trying to trick them into coming and seeing me!

It's a little nerve-racking, this whole baseball thing. Not really baseball, just the fact that I'll be traveling with him this year. If you've ever met my husband during the off-season, that's not my husband during the season. I have never met someone so focused and "in the zone" as this boy. It's one reason I fell in love with him but sometimes I wonder if I'll be able to lend the support he needs. Let's hope so!

As we start out this journey, please keep us in your prayers. We know God has plans and He knows what will happen, just pray that our discernment is in line with God's will. We love you all and soon, we'll be posting pics of all the fun we're having during baseball season!

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