Thanks for visiting!

Tim plays baseball and Whitney follows him around. This page was created so that our friends and family can have a glimpse into our daily lives while we're on the road. Love and miss you all!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Thanks to Tumblr and it's desire to make uploading multiple pictures hard on me, I had to start this Blogspot:

So the boy and I are officially engaged...finally. Due to baseball and all of it's plan-ruining abilities, we've had the date set for a while so that his grandfather and our families could plan travel and plans accordingly. Because of this, Tim had a challenge on his hands trying to surprise me since I knew it was coming pretty soon. He did a fantastic job. Here's how it all went down.

Under the ruse that we were going to a Rome Braves signing day, the boy and I hopped in the car and drove towards Rome. Using the GPS, he had an address of where the "signing day" was supposed to be held. Coming up on a hangar, and still not seeing any baseball players, he said we'd stop to ask directions. We pull into the parking lot and I see a massive sign that says "1-800-505-JUMP". I put 2 & 2 together...

I'm terrified. I've always SAID I wanted to skydive but I've never actually THOUGHT about what goes in to that. Looking at pictures of what the world looks like from 14,000 feet above ground, I didn't know that I wanted to actually jump out of a plane. Did I mention I can't climb a ladder I'm so scared of heights? I sucked it up, however, because he had obviously gone to a lot of trouble to set this up. It was awesome. I suggest you all have a go at it. Here's some pictures...

THEN... when I finally landed I got a big surprise :) I was so distracted by the fact that I just JUMPED OUT OF A PLANE, I was never expecting to find him on one knee. Here's some pictures of THAT special moment. :)

And now what all of you have been asking for...

Did I mention he's the best???

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