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Tim plays baseball and Whitney follows him around. This page was created so that our friends and family can have a glimpse into our daily lives while we're on the road. Love and miss you all!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Love Is...

This week's devotions have been all about applying 1 Cor. 13 to marriage.


“...but the greatest of these is LOVE.” 1 Corinthians 13:13b

How are we doing as we apply each of God’s truths about love to our marriage?

LOVE IS PATIENT…Even when the plane is late, the game went long, he’s forgetful, messy or impatient. Even when he is not thoughtful, or nice, we are called to love through patience.

LOVE IS KIND…Do we speak to him the way we want to be spoken to? Are we performing kind deeds that help our husband? Is our tongue slow to anger, sarcasm, and quick biting remarks? Are we expressing love through acts of kindness?

LOVE DOES NOT ENVY…Am I envious of his time alone? His eating out at nice restaurants and having time to finish conversations with other adults? Do I envy his success and his job? His accomplishments and the attention he receives from others?

LOVE IS NOT PROUD…Do I tell him I’m sorry? I’m wrong? Do I forgive him? Do I move on and let go of the hurt I feel? Do I act independent and self-sufficient, just to prove I can get along without him? Do I have a servant’s heart or a master’s command?

LOVE IS NOT RUDE…How am I treating him? Do I let him finish his sentences? Do I encourage and build up or humiliate and tear down?

LOVE IS NOT SELF-SEEKING…Do I wonder about all of my own “could have beens”? Am I struggling with putting his needs first? Is my marriage about “me” or is it about “us”?

LOVE IS NOT EASILY ANGERED…Even in the midst of a trying situation. Even if I am right. Even when I have every right... Do I show love through a calm, gentle, peaceful spirit regardless of the circumstances?

LOVE KEEPS NO RECORD OF WRONGS…There will always be plenty to remember. We all make mistakes, sin, do the wrong thing, and hurt people we love. Are we wiping the slate clean? Are we loving him through an unconditional love that doesn’t keep track of all of the things he has done?

LOVE DOES NOT DELIGHT IN EVIL, BUT REJOICES IN THE TRUTH…Is our marriage centered on Jesus Christ and the Bible? Are we focused on the world and our desires or do we pursue a righteous, holy marriage? Where are we committed? To each other? To remaining faithful in our relationship with God and with one another? Rejoicing in truth creates a godly atmosphere in our homes. Understanding truth brings joy!


THINGS… We should accept the entire package when we love someone. He’ll grow old, lose his hair, hurt your feelings...maybe he has qualities you aren’t crazy about. We are not perfect either. Praise God when we accept each other unconditionally.

LOVE NEVER FAILS…Is loving dying? Ask God to repair the love-it comes from Him. Am I failing him? Do I let him down? Is the love of God—that love that never lets you down—flowing into your husband’s life? We live in an imperfect world with imperfect people. Remember to live with the Lover of all, our Lord, as you love your husband.

Suggested Reading: 1 Corinthians 13
-Christi Eldred

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