The Poll
I took it to a poll of 2000 women online. I asked the following questions…
(Participants were of college education, between 21-45, and of moderate to higher income. It included both single and married women. Some statics vary for being skipped over.)
How many times a week do you exercise?
Do you lift weights that you consider to be heavy?
Do you think that muscles on women are attractive?
No, never-41%
Sometimes, in small amounts-26%
Sometimes, depends on the body-15%
Yes, most of the time-14%
Yes, always-4%
Do you think that men like muscle on a women?
Do you think that women like muscles on other women?
Of the listed women, whose body do you like looking at the most?
Paris Hilton-12%
Angelina Jolie-19%
Jessica Alba-35%
Jessica Biel-12%
Kate Winslet-22%
Of these women who do you feel defines muscular/bulky on the terms that you are thinking for this survey?
Jessica Alba-2%
Jessica Biel-36%
Hilary Swank (Million Dollar Baby)-43%
Would you rather appear to be…
Too Thin-71%
Too Muscular-11%
Too Fat-18%
If you thought that lifting heavy weights wouldn’t make you bulky/muscular, would you lift them?
The Results
Not Bulky
Let's address one thing first. JESSICA BIEL TIED WITH PARIS HILTON AS THE WOMAN THAT MOST FEMALES ENJOY LOOKING AT THE LEAST?!?!? That, in and of itself is a crime.
What's disturbing, however, is that SEVENTY-ONE PERCENT of women said they'd rather look too skinny than muscular or fat. REALLY?? Too skinny? Are you aware of the fact that it's UNHEALTHY??? Geez... And we wonder why our teenage daughters have low self esteem issues. Ummm maybe it's because they're learning it from their MOTHERS.
But wait! There's more!!! 18% of women said they'd rather look too FAT than too muscular. Let's not forget: these women aren't thinking of testosterone filled body building women. This is the same group of ladies who consider Jessica Biel and Hillary Swank too bulky. Honestly ladies... don't be so obtuse. What on earth has our society come to when the majority of women would rather look too skinny or too fat than too muscular.
It's obviously an epidemic that I'll never understand.
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