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Tim plays baseball and Whitney follows him around. This page was created so that our friends and family can have a glimpse into our daily lives while we're on the road. Love and miss you all!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011



That's the percentage of children in America that are considered obese. No. Not chunky or layered with a little bit of baby fat still...OBESE. That's an extremely sad number. CNN reported here - - on Harvard specialists that are suggesting parents whose children are severely obese be taken away. How do you feel about that??? I have to tell you (I realize I'm taking the chance of major backlash) I can see where they're coming from. I mean, you take away the children if they're not being fed right? That's child abuse. SO. IS. THIS.

That' right. I said it. That's my opinion. As a parent, you have been charged with taking care of your child. Allowing them to become obese, in my opinion, is child abuse. Now, this doesn't mean I think it should be a law. I'm very anti too-much-government and I feel like implementing this might be setting a bad precedent. However, people should be more aware of what they're allowing their children to put in their mouths and how much they're putting in.

This is a subject I could go on FOR DAYS about. But...I won't because 1) it's a touchy subject and I'm no Perez Hilton so I'm not trying to stir anything up and 2) I realize that everyone has a right to their opinion. Even if they are wrong ;)

Just think about it this way: God gave His chosen people - Israelites - very specific ways to eat. If it was important then, I think it still applies. I know I've said this again and I will continue to do so: OUR BODIES ARE HIS TEMPLE. Don't trash it.

That's all. I'm stepping off my soapbox now.

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