That's the percentage of children in America that are considered obese. No. Not chunky or layered with a little bit of baby fat still...OBESE. That's an extremely sad number. CNN reported here - http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2011/07/13/should-parents-lose-custody-of-obese-children/ - on Harvard specialists that are suggesting parents whose children are severely obese be taken away. How do you feel about that??? I have to tell you (I realize I'm taking the chance of major backlash) I can see where they're coming from. I mean, you take away the children if they're not being fed right? That's child abuse. SO. IS. THIS.
That' right. I said it. That's my opinion. As a parent, you have been charged with taking care of your child. Allowing them to become obese, in my opinion, is child abuse. Now, this doesn't mean I think it should be a law. I'm very anti too-much-government and I feel like implementing this might be setting a bad precedent. However, people should be more aware of what they're allowing their children to put in their mouths and how much they're putting in.
This is a subject I could go on FOR DAYS about. But...I won't because 1) it's a touchy subject and I'm no Perez Hilton so I'm not trying to stir anything up and 2) I realize that everyone has a right to their opinion. Even if they are wrong ;)
Just think about it this way: God gave His chosen people - Israelites - very specific ways to eat. If it was important then, I think it still applies. I know I've said this again and I will continue to do so: OUR BODIES ARE HIS TEMPLE. Don't trash it.
That's all. I'm stepping off my soapbox now.
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