Thanks for visiting!

Tim plays baseball and Whitney follows him around. This page was created so that our friends and family can have a glimpse into our daily lives while we're on the road. Love and miss you all!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


I'm on a foodie kick lately. The problem is that my mom came to visit and brought me buttloads of fruit and veggies and I need to use them before they go bad. So I made a peach crumble. I didn't really measure anything but here's the gist of it:

Peaches (peeled and sliced)

Agave nectar

Organic oats

Raw honey

Whole wheat flour


Preheat oven to 350.

Put peaches in pan and mix with desired amount of cinnamon and honey for taste.

Mix oats, flour, and cinnamon. Add desired amount of agave nectar and honey until crumbly. Spread on top of peaches and bake for 30-40 minutes. Enjoy!

Raindrops Keep Falling...

This is today. So my plans include eating soup, making peach crumble, and watching movies.

Trouble TV

I really think I'd like the Perfect Meatloaf Maker. How sad is that?? I don't even eat meatloaf. This is what happens when Tim leaves. I watch too many infomercials.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Peanut Butter Milkshake"

Oh wow. Lately, I've been really craving a peanut butter milkshake. So today, I set out to make one. There is a slight catch. There's no milk, peanut butter, or ice cream in this.

Here's the recipe:

2 frozen bananas
3 heaping spoons of organic almond butter
Dash of almond milk

That's it!Put in a blender and be amazed at how satisfying this healthy snack is.
Nom nom!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Yum, Yum, YUM!!!!!

Just wanted to share my favorite cookie recipe with you guys! I found it while we were living in Boston and have been using it to crave my sweet tooth ever since. :) I tweaked the recipe to make it healthier but for those of you who refuse to come over to the healthy side (AHEM, Mam...) you can find the original recipe here.

I know, I know. You're jealous of my Dollar Tree pink plates aren't you? Yeah, well, not everyone can be as lucky as I am. Moving on...

Here's the recipe...

1/2 cup organic brown sugar
1/2 cup agave nectar
1 egg
1 tsp organic vanilla
1 TBL almond milk
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional)
a dash of nutmeg (optional)

whatever add-ins you want (FYI, Trader Joes' organic baking chocolate disks are YUMMZZZ)

Mix wet ingredients together until smooth, then add dry. Cook at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes, then ENJOY!!!



Tuesday, July 26, 2011


You have GOT to watch this video. It's the mini Warbler! Of course it's even cuter if you're a Glee fan but it's adorable no matter what!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Help

I just got finished reading "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. If you haven't read it, I recommend that you do. I cried and laughed out loud...a lot. Anyways, the book is beautiful and has many lessons worth taking away from it but here are some of my favorite quotes:

"You is kind. You is smart. You is important."

"Wasn't that the point of the book? For women to realize, We are just two people. Not that much separates us. Not nearly as much as I'd thought."

"All I'm saying is, kindness don't have no boundaries."

"Ugly live up on the inside. Ugly be a hurtful, mean person."

"....I realized I actually had a choice in what I could believe."

"I want to yell so loud that Baby Girl can hear me that dirty ain't a color, disease ain't the Negro side a town. I want to stop that moment from coming--and it come in ever white child's life--when they start to think that colored folks ain't as good as whites."

So good.

On a completely different note, guess where I'll be August 12th.

Dum dum dumdum...

Yes. I. Will.


Just Realized

So I'm watching Cake Boss and I'm sitting here watching them make these two amazing cakes. Very realistic. But, you know what I realized? They're putting their hands ALL OVER these cakes. Remind me next time I want to eat a cake that requires shaping and sculpting, that I don't want to go there.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ladies, We Have a Problem...

For those of you who don't know, my husband has officially turned me into a fitness blog monster. Seriously. I read probably 5-10 a day. I came across a new one today and while it's not my favorite, I found this poll on there that disturbed me. Here it is: (reference

The Poll

I took it to a poll of 2000 women online. I asked the following questions…

(Participants were of college education, between 21-45, and of moderate to higher income. It included both single and married women. Some statics vary for being skipped over.)

How many times a week do you exercise?


Do you lift weights that you consider to be heavy?


Do you think that muscles on women are attractive?

No, never-41%
Sometimes, in small amounts-26%
Sometimes, depends on the body-15%
Yes, most of the time-14%
Yes, always-4%

Do you think that men like muscle on a women?


Do you think that women like muscles on other women?


Of the listed women, whose body do you like looking at the most?

Paris Hilton-12%
Angelina Jolie-19%
Jessica Alba-35%
Jessica Biel-12%
Kate Winslet-22%

Of these women who do you feel defines muscular/bulky on the terms that you are thinking for this survey?

Jessica Alba-2%
Jessica Biel-36%
Hilary Swank (Million Dollar Baby)-43%

Would you rather appear to be…

Too Thin-71%
Too Muscular-11%
Too Fat-18%

If you thought that lifting heavy weights wouldn’t make you bulky/muscular, would you lift them?


The Results


Not Bulky

Let's address one thing first. JESSICA BIEL TIED WITH PARIS HILTON AS THE WOMAN THAT MOST FEMALES ENJOY LOOKING AT THE LEAST?!?!? That, in and of itself is a crime.

What's disturbing, however, is that SEVENTY-ONE PERCENT of women said they'd rather look too skinny than muscular or fat. REALLY?? Too skinny? Are you aware of the fact that it's UNHEALTHY??? Geez... And we wonder why our teenage daughters have low self esteem issues. Ummm maybe it's because they're learning it from their MOTHERS.

But wait! There's more!!! 18% of women said they'd rather look too FAT than too muscular. Let's not forget: these women aren't thinking of testosterone filled body building women. This is the same group of ladies who consider Jessica Biel and Hillary Swank too bulky. Honestly ladies... don't be so obtuse. What on earth has our society come to when the majority of women would rather look too skinny or too fat than too muscular.

It's obviously an epidemic that I'll never understand.

Friday, July 22, 2011


I know it's going to be a great movie when I cry during the preview. I've got to get this book.

Holy Guac

I'd say it's hot outside today.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


When boredom sets in... Sorry Mam!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Blast from the Past

So, cute story. I'm in Ross, just killing time, and the lady standing next to me is an... older, sweet looking lady. Her phone starts ringing and it starts into a slow jam by Boyz II Men. Cute. Unexpected. But cute.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings
You glory
And I know there'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise You
Jesus, bring the rain.



That's the percentage of children in America that are considered obese. No. Not chunky or layered with a little bit of baby fat still...OBESE. That's an extremely sad number. CNN reported here - - on Harvard specialists that are suggesting parents whose children are severely obese be taken away. How do you feel about that??? I have to tell you (I realize I'm taking the chance of major backlash) I can see where they're coming from. I mean, you take away the children if they're not being fed right? That's child abuse. SO. IS. THIS.

That' right. I said it. That's my opinion. As a parent, you have been charged with taking care of your child. Allowing them to become obese, in my opinion, is child abuse. Now, this doesn't mean I think it should be a law. I'm very anti too-much-government and I feel like implementing this might be setting a bad precedent. However, people should be more aware of what they're allowing their children to put in their mouths and how much they're putting in.

This is a subject I could go on FOR DAYS about. But...I won't because 1) it's a touchy subject and I'm no Perez Hilton so I'm not trying to stir anything up and 2) I realize that everyone has a right to their opinion. Even if they are wrong ;)

Just think about it this way: God gave His chosen people - Israelites - very specific ways to eat. If it was important then, I think it still applies. I know I've said this again and I will continue to do so: OUR BODIES ARE HIS TEMPLE. Don't trash it.

That's all. I'm stepping off my soapbox now.


Definitely surprised myself today by actually being able to draw a semi-decent picnic.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Toasted quinoa with kale, mushrooms, tomatoes, and almonds. Might be one of the best things I've eaten in a while. You should definitely try it.

Dream Come True

YES!!! I've always wanted a car magnet! Hahahaha. Not really but it's a necessary evil of the job. Tim is going to L.O.V.E. it.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Thrive in 30

So, thanks to Katie, I've been introduced to a program called Thrive in 30 and I've decided to give it a try. It's a free web-based health and wellness program that takes you through 13 studies that focus on different aspects of healthy living. Now, the guy that writes it is a vegan but he's quick to point out that you don't have to be one to follow the program. Just incorporate the studies into a lifestyle that fits your needs. Nothing I've read so far has really been anything that I didn't already know. Eat whole, natural, and nutrient-rich foods and eat as much raw as possible. What I like about it is that every couple of days you receive an email with a different goal to focus on. Small steps at a time. I consider myself a healthy eater, however, there's always room for improvement. As my husband likes to say "When you eat, it's healthy. It's how much you that could improve." And NO MOM, I don't starve myself. I eat 3 healthy meals a day. But if you know about healthy eating, you know that's not the optimum way to eat. So, I'm officially taking an active step to improve this. The reason that health is so important to me is that God tells us "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." Our bodies are His dwelling place. I think taking care of it is just as important as other commandments we're given. Anyways, I'll keep you updated on how it's going.

Bed Buddy

So Tim's on a road trip to Huntsville and left me behind...again. I suppose I'll allow it, as usual. You know? I love this baseball life. Call me crazy, but I really do. I get to sleep in with my husband, travel all the time, see new places and meet new friends, AND I get to watch my husband work. However, the one downside I've found is that you can't call in sick. Ever. We can never have a banana pancakes day. Oh well. On to my post... For the next two nights, I have a new bed buddy...

Everyone, meet Taffy. Her mom is in Vegas for her friend's bachelorette party and she's letting me play with her baby while she's gone. I'm pretty excited. Not the same thing as having Bleier here but Taffy will do for now. Hope all is well!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


It's a nice night to walk to walgreens for some ice cream. I like living close enough to places not to need a car. First night of Tim's road trip and I'm already turning to my other 2 men for comfort! Ben and Jerry.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!!

Fireworks at the ballpark!