We're back in Mississippi. We got the word about a month ago while I was visiting my family in Alabama. Luckily, Mississippi was playing the Barons in Birmingham so I'm thankful for the small blessings. We got back into Mississippi for our first homestand back and Tim and I were able to spend our first 4th of July ever in the same city together! It's about time...
Oh! Before we got back to MS, we celebrated Cooper's FIFTH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! This is him on his last day of being 4...
This is his outfit he got from Mam and Dink...
And this is a picture Coop took of Caleb when he stole my phone...
Okay. Now we're back to Mississippi... It took us long enough but we found a place to stay. Luckily, it has a fenced in back yard so we get to have Bleier with us!!! Here's a few pics of where we're staying...
There's a reservoir that looks more like a river right down the road...
See it?? Aaaalllll the way down the road?? And since we're vagabonds and everything we own has to fit into my little bitty car, here was our first bed when we arrived...
That bed was REALLY uncomfortable and since my parents didn't want Tim's money maker to hurt, they surprised us with a NEW bed!!!!! Still an air mattress but it feels like a bed AND we'll be able to take it with us when we need a bed in some other city on some other team...
Muuuuch better.
Here's Bleier after our run...
I took her to the pool and she didn't quite know what to do...
Here she is sleeping on the drive down I-20...
And last, but not least, here's some pics I took with the Hipstamatic iPhone app...
So, that's a summarized update. Living with little and an air mattress has really forced me to realize how little we need. I have my husband, I have my dog, and I know that God has everything in His hands, and that's all I need and want.
Later gator.
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