By the way, I made that 2nd word up if you were wondering...
Sure, it's fun (well, to Tim anyways) and it's a big part of our lives but it's not our WHOLE lives. I think what I like best about baseball is the lessons it teaches me on a daily basis. Lessons like:
-Good game or bad game I have a healthy, Godly, -and might I say- handsome, husband that comes home to me at the end of the night.
-I may not have a permanent address (and one may not be in sight)but the old cliche "home is where the heart is" is true, no matter how cheesy that makes me sound.
-A room with an air mattress and little else is comfortable as long as my two loves are with tea and a book. (I kid, I kid. It's Tim and Bleier...)
-The people I want to covet sometimes -with their nice cars, big homes, and fancy clothes- aren't always as happy as they seem.
-Yet again, my father was always right. 'Rich' is a state of mind. I consider myself wealthy to the extreme.
-I would much rather come home to very little 'stuff' but have my husband/best friend/partner is awesomeness there than a house full of things with no one to share it with.
I could go on but I'll spare you the rest of my sappy mood.
The thing is, I have most definitely learned that it's the little things in life you need to enjoy. i.e. lazy off days, walks with our dog, sitting down for a meal together, evening chats before bed, reading the Bible together, lifting each other up on hard days, getting excited to see him after a road trip, etc. Again, I could go on...
It really puts life in perspective when I don't have unnecessary things distracting me from what's really important. There are plenty of people in this world that may have more money than I, drive a nicer car than I (though, that's not hard to accomplish), or be 'higher up in society' than I, that would kill for what I have - a wonderfully sweet, thoughtful, funny, Godly husband to lead my household and to come home to (well really, he comes home to me but you get my drift...).
You know, it really puts life in perspective. It's always taken a good bit to make me angry but I've found that lately I've been even less so. I haven't gotten truly upset in...well...I can't remember the last time, because I realized that really? whatever the situation, it's not all that bad because of how full my life is.
That's all I wanted to say.
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