I must admit something. I mighta, maybe, possibly, given God a timeline and said something to the effect of "OK God. I'll trust you with our whole future. It's in your hands to send us where you want us to go. We'll follow... AslongasitsdonebyChristmas" (The last bit was thrown in there really quick hoping He would hear it enough to abide by it but not so much that He taught me a lesson about telling Him what to do) Oops. I guess He not only heard that last little statement but He heard it enough to laugh in my face. See, it's past Christmas and not only does Tim not have a job, but it's been deathly quiet on all fronts. Not even his agent has contacted him. This is unnerving. However, God has seen my worry and gently put His arms around us to let us know He's there. For example, the other day in the gym 2 people we don't even know told us they were praying for us! And this morning, I read this excerpt from BaptistBibleHour.org...
So how do we handle the uncertainty? The same way the Bible tells us to 536474846353422 times and I'm just too stubborn to let it sink in: FAITH. God loves us. More than our human brains can comprehend. He has always provided and He will continue to do so. So I will continue to hope. Continue to trust. Continue to follow. Even when my human side tries to tell me it's futile, I will push that thought away. This is not about feeling, this is about pushing through and growing even when our "feelings" don't want to. Because He is God and He is worthy of our trust. Period. So I've taken the timeline off (I say that like I had a choice...) and surrendering. Even when I don't feel like it.
Love you and so thankful that He always comes through!