I had to go into Worcester the other day to the DMV. I want to just say that the entire city confused me from where to park, to no lines on the main road, to this. The elevator. It's not as easy as it looks. You're actually on floor 3 but you have to press 4 to get there? I never figured it out...
The next day we went into Boston by train to see the Red Sox. Tim had to explain the train schedule to me because it also confused me. We didn't have any time to actually see the city except on the walk from the train station to Fenway.
We did meet this nice man on the train that showed us how to get to Fenway.
Fenway was awesome!!!! The history there is amazing and it was really neat to be in a town that really loves baseball. The fans are great fans.
Our gate for our tickets...
We had great seats and it was a great night for baseball.
Our friends Mike (pitching) and Matt (catching)! Such a good game! GO ORIOLES!!!!
Lastly, we waited for our train back after the game. More updates to come soon as we're going to see The Blue Man Group in Boston Thursday!
thanks for the updates. i read every one. miss you. :)