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Tim plays baseball and Whitney follows him around. This page was created so that our friends and family can have a glimpse into our daily lives while we're on the road. Love and miss you all!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Okay. So, I wanted to delve a tad bit deeper into my last post seeing as how I was a tired and scattered brained fool who couldn't string a sentence together.

It really never ceases to amaze me at how just when you think you're at the end of your rope and can't take anymore, Jesus shows you something that keeps you going a little longer. For me, He's showing (as in 'still in the process of') me the importance of finding my joy and peace from HIM. Nothing else. Let me see if I can timeline this somewhat for you...

I was frustrated. God led me to the aforementioned Needtobreathe song (Garden). This song showed me how in Jesus' most difficult time, he was begging God to take this cup (His upcoming crucifixion) away. BUT. But then He says that if it is in God's will that He die, that it be used for the glory of Christ.

I'm ashamed to admit that I don't think like that as often as I should. Not MY will, but YOURS be done.

Then, God led me to a sermon (that I will GLADLY share with anyone who is interested) that my grandmother gave me. It's actually not so much a sermon as it is a pastor telling a story about the Bema Judegement. I have never felt so inadequate as I did after I listened to that sermon. It speaks of how when we get to heaven, Christians will have a sort of 'awards day' for lack of better word. Basically, we will be rewarded for our actions here on earth that were used to further the kingdom of Christ. NOTHING. ELSE. MATTERS. to Jesus.

Did you get that? No? Let me say it again...


Wow. I've wasted a lot of my life on things that are of no importance whatsoever to Christ.

If that wasn't enough, I've started reading David Platt's new book "Radical". Read it. He talks about how we as Christians have shaped God into who we are comfortable with, not who the Bible tells us He is. It talks about how we make the 'American Dream' our ultimate purpose in life when that doesn't matter at all.

So basically, what I'm learning is how to find true happiness, peace, joy, and pure contentment on this earth because I know that all curcumstances here are temporary. Where the REAL treasures are, well... they're in eternity.

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