And here is the article they sent in to go with the pictures...
Inspired at Coolray Field
As a culmination to a very busy, service-packed school year, members of the Loganville Elementary School’s Jr. Beta Club spent Friday evening at Coolray Field. They watched as Gwinnett Braves pitcher Tim Gustafson helped to shutout the Lehigh Valley IronPigs. After the post-game fireworks the students were in for a big surprise. Gustafson came out to meet the group. Before taking pictures and signing autographs Gustafson talked with the group about the importance of good grades and always doing their best. He told the group that playing baseball had always been his dream but that he knew baseball couldn’t last forever…so he needed to make sure that he had prepared himself for his future after baseball. Fifth grade student Josh Moore said, “Mr. Gustafson made me realize that if I want something, I have to go out and work for it...and that includes doing my best in school.” The timing of the dialogue between Gustafson and Jr. Beta members was perfect…the group will enter middle school in the fall, a time notorious for pre-teen challenges with identity, more peer pressure, and academic excellence.
A BIG "Thank You" To Loganville Elementary's Jr. Beta Club for coming out and listening to what Tim had to say. We both thoroughly enjoyed it!