Firewood gathered and dried out - check.
House clean and in order - check.
Clothes washed and clean sheets on the bed - check.
Grocery shopped and fridge stocked - check.
Dinner cooked and prepared and in Tubberware - check.
Why the preparation?
Tim's coming home tomorrow!!!!!
Thanks for visiting!
Tim plays baseball and Whitney follows him around. This page was created so that our friends and family can have a glimpse into our daily lives while we're on the road. Love and miss you all!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
My AWESOME mother, RIDICULOUSLY COOL grandmother, AMAZING aunt, and MY FAVORITEST 5 YEAR OLD IN THE WORLD (Cooper) came to visit me last week. We did lots of fun things and ate too many sweets. I need to update pictures and I will. I promise. Just not tonight.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I don't know why I named my post that. I'm sitting here watching football on mute, the windows open, the 64 degree wind blowing in, and listening to Ben Folds' Zak and Sara and that's the first thing that came to mind.
Anyhow, no pictures to update with today but I'll try to entertain you none-the-less. Well, at least say something worth hearing if it's not entertaining. Moving right along...
Tim and I went to see the Blue Man Group in Boston on Thursday. Apparently he works out with one of the blue men and that guy was nice enough to give us tickets. I had never really known what the Blue Men do but I was pleasantly surprised. It was in the Charles Playhouse which is teeny-tiny which was my first surprise. There really wasn't a bad seat in the house. The played paint drums, recreated a perfect rendition of Crazy Train by Ozzy with sticks and pipes, caught lots and lots of marshmellows in their mouths, and overall just made me laugh. If you ever get the experience to check them out, I highly suggest it.
On a side note, I got a small part time job on the side working for White House Black Market. I did this for numerous reasons but none of them seemed too important to me at the time. But then the competitive side might, sorta, maybe came out in me and I just want to tell you that I've worked 3 days and sold more than any other sales associate in the place all three days. Uh-huh. Hold the applause please. No. Really. It's not that big of deal. I know, I know. I'm awesome. Okay really. Stop cheering for me. We have other things to discuss...
Let's see... what else do you not know that I want you to know...
Tim and I gave the show Dexter another chance and now I'm hooked.
OH! The most exciting part :) Tim and I have found a church that we like and attended Sunday School last week. We met another couple that just happen to originally be from Florida and also happen to be college football fans. If I haven't mentioned it already, the North does NOT know how to do college football. Anyhow, we went out to eat with them last week after church and they invited us to watch football with them today :) We're going to grill out and watch football with another married couple. I feel old but also really excited. I still am not quite sure how I lived in Atlanta for almost a year and never made any friends but I'm here for 2 weeks and already have a football date but oh well. I won't think too hard on this subject.
Speaking of friends, I really really miss mine. Now, I didn't have too many. Like, 2 maybe 3 but that's not the point. I miss them. It's so different up here and I'm just a tad homesick...Okay more homesick than I care to admit...but at least I have Tim. I won't have him in a week... He leaves for Mexico for 5 weeks but at least I'll stay busy. I miss my family, I miss familiarity, I miss Cooper. Anyhow, despite all of that, I do love it up here. I wish everyone I cared about and loved would move up here, then that would make it better. Come on people, it's not that big of a request...
Okay, I'm about finished but on a serious note. We have a family friend named Susie. She's an amazing person that's facing a very difficult time. Please whisper a prayer that God will wrap His arms tightly around her and that in the end, His name will be glorified. But also pray for a miracle.
Love you all. Miss you all. See you later. :)
Anyhow, no pictures to update with today but I'll try to entertain you none-the-less. Well, at least say something worth hearing if it's not entertaining. Moving right along...
Tim and I went to see the Blue Man Group in Boston on Thursday. Apparently he works out with one of the blue men and that guy was nice enough to give us tickets. I had never really known what the Blue Men do but I was pleasantly surprised. It was in the Charles Playhouse which is teeny-tiny which was my first surprise. There really wasn't a bad seat in the house. The played paint drums, recreated a perfect rendition of Crazy Train by Ozzy with sticks and pipes, caught lots and lots of marshmellows in their mouths, and overall just made me laugh. If you ever get the experience to check them out, I highly suggest it.
On a side note, I got a small part time job on the side working for White House Black Market. I did this for numerous reasons but none of them seemed too important to me at the time. But then the competitive side might, sorta, maybe came out in me and I just want to tell you that I've worked 3 days and sold more than any other sales associate in the place all three days. Uh-huh. Hold the applause please. No. Really. It's not that big of deal. I know, I know. I'm awesome. Okay really. Stop cheering for me. We have other things to discuss...
Let's see... what else do you not know that I want you to know...
Tim and I gave the show Dexter another chance and now I'm hooked.
OH! The most exciting part :) Tim and I have found a church that we like and attended Sunday School last week. We met another couple that just happen to originally be from Florida and also happen to be college football fans. If I haven't mentioned it already, the North does NOT know how to do college football. Anyhow, we went out to eat with them last week after church and they invited us to watch football with them today :) We're going to grill out and watch football with another married couple. I feel old but also really excited. I still am not quite sure how I lived in Atlanta for almost a year and never made any friends but I'm here for 2 weeks and already have a football date but oh well. I won't think too hard on this subject.
Speaking of friends, I really really miss mine. Now, I didn't have too many. Like, 2 maybe 3 but that's not the point. I miss them. It's so different up here and I'm just a tad homesick...Okay more homesick than I care to admit...but at least I have Tim. I won't have him in a week... He leaves for Mexico for 5 weeks but at least I'll stay busy. I miss my family, I miss familiarity, I miss Cooper. Anyhow, despite all of that, I do love it up here. I wish everyone I cared about and loved would move up here, then that would make it better. Come on people, it's not that big of a request...
Okay, I'm about finished but on a serious note. We have a family friend named Susie. She's an amazing person that's facing a very difficult time. Please whisper a prayer that God will wrap His arms tightly around her and that in the end, His name will be glorified. But also pray for a miracle.
Love you all. Miss you all. See you later. :)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Hello! So more updates :)

I had to go into Worcester the other day to the DMV. I want to just say that the entire city confused me from where to park, to no lines on the main road, to this. The elevator. It's not as easy as it looks. You're actually on floor 3 but you have to press 4 to get there? I never figured it out...

The next day we went into Boston by train to see the Red Sox. Tim had to explain the train schedule to me because it also confused me. We didn't have any time to actually see the city except on the walk from the train station to Fenway.

We did meet this nice man on the train that showed us how to get to Fenway.

Fenway was awesome!!!! The history there is amazing and it was really neat to be in a town that really loves baseball. The fans are great fans.

Our gate for our tickets...

We had great seats and it was a great night for baseball.

Our friends Mike (pitching) and Matt (catching)! Such a good game! GO ORIOLES!!!!

Lastly, we waited for our train back after the game. More updates to come soon as we're going to see The Blue Man Group in Boston Thursday!
I had to go into Worcester the other day to the DMV. I want to just say that the entire city confused me from where to park, to no lines on the main road, to this. The elevator. It's not as easy as it looks. You're actually on floor 3 but you have to press 4 to get there? I never figured it out...
The next day we went into Boston by train to see the Red Sox. Tim had to explain the train schedule to me because it also confused me. We didn't have any time to actually see the city except on the walk from the train station to Fenway.
We did meet this nice man on the train that showed us how to get to Fenway.
Fenway was awesome!!!! The history there is amazing and it was really neat to be in a town that really loves baseball. The fans are great fans.
Our gate for our tickets...
We had great seats and it was a great night for baseball.
Our friends Mike (pitching) and Matt (catching)! Such a good game! GO ORIOLES!!!!
Lastly, we waited for our train back after the game. More updates to come soon as we're going to see The Blue Man Group in Boston Thursday!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Catch Up
Well hello there. Sorry I've been MIA, this past week has been a tad hectic. We've now been in MA for a week and are finally settling in with everything falling into place. I've got a lot of pics to post so hang with me and I'll explain as I go. Ready? Okay...

These are, obviously, before our road trip. Every year my brother and I go to this Christian music festival called En Fuego and this year my home church went too! Even though it rained we had a good time and we also learned that Cooper is a head banger. He likes "the rock and roll music". That's a direct quote...

These are also pre-roadtrip. My sister Rosa was hospitalized for a while but thanks to a lot of prayers, she's better now...

NOW we're back to the road trip. I know you've seen the first part of our trip but I loved Virginia so much, I wanted to post some of my favorites...

We stopped in PA our first night and it was pretty too. We woke up and drove the rest of the way to NJ for Tim's cousin's wedding. We stopped at a mall and I decided to get dreads...

The wedding was pretty, it was good to see Tim's family, and of course I rolled my ankle the day I had to wear heels all night...

Once we left NJ, it was time to head to Boston. On the way we passed through NY. If you look closely at the first picture above, you can see the NY skyline. It was really cool...

It just so happened that exactly halfway from NJ to Boston is Conneticut where one of Tim's friends happened to be playing a baseball game. Of course we had to stop and see him play and it was great to finally meet the guy I've heard Tim talk so much about. After the game we finally made it to Hudson, MA which is a suburb of Boston. It's a really great city because it's a lot of farmland with the city not that far away. I took a picture of our forecast for the first day here to send to Mom and make her jealous. The first picture is from our WalMart parking lot.

My wedding bands finally came in!!!!! I tried to take a decent picture but for some reason, the closer I got with my phone, the blurrier they got. Anyways, I got two bands, one on each side. Tim and I went exploring in the cute little downtown area the other day and, wuddayaknow, we came across a firm with his, sorry OUR, last name. Crazy... The firstt picture is my freezer art I did. However, I constructed it with double sided tape and they all fell down within 10 minutes. Guess I need magnets.
Anyways, that's an update for now. We visited a church today and really liked it. We'll try out their newlywed Sunday School class next week. Let's pray we love it because, well, we're not in the Bible belt anymore and unless we have plans to convert to Catholicism or Scientology, there aren't too many options for us. We'll also be going to a Boston vs. Baltimore game at Fenway Tuesday (GO ORIOLES!!!!!). You think I'm kidding? Nope. While Tim will be wearing his Red Sox sweatshirt, I'll boldly support my Yankees by wearing black and orange and rooting for Baltimore. I'm a true fan.
Talk to you later and we miss you ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Tim and Whitney
These are, obviously, before our road trip. Every year my brother and I go to this Christian music festival called En Fuego and this year my home church went too! Even though it rained we had a good time and we also learned that Cooper is a head banger. He likes "the rock and roll music". That's a direct quote...
These are also pre-roadtrip. My sister Rosa was hospitalized for a while but thanks to a lot of prayers, she's better now...
NOW we're back to the road trip. I know you've seen the first part of our trip but I loved Virginia so much, I wanted to post some of my favorites...
We stopped in PA our first night and it was pretty too. We woke up and drove the rest of the way to NJ for Tim's cousin's wedding. We stopped at a mall and I decided to get dreads...
The wedding was pretty, it was good to see Tim's family, and of course I rolled my ankle the day I had to wear heels all night...
Once we left NJ, it was time to head to Boston. On the way we passed through NY. If you look closely at the first picture above, you can see the NY skyline. It was really cool...
It just so happened that exactly halfway from NJ to Boston is Conneticut where one of Tim's friends happened to be playing a baseball game. Of course we had to stop and see him play and it was great to finally meet the guy I've heard Tim talk so much about. After the game we finally made it to Hudson, MA which is a suburb of Boston. It's a really great city because it's a lot of farmland with the city not that far away. I took a picture of our forecast for the first day here to send to Mom and make her jealous. The first picture is from our WalMart parking lot.
My wedding bands finally came in!!!!! I tried to take a decent picture but for some reason, the closer I got with my phone, the blurrier they got. Anyways, I got two bands, one on each side. Tim and I went exploring in the cute little downtown area the other day and, wuddayaknow, we came across a firm with his, sorry OUR, last name. Crazy... The firstt picture is my freezer art I did. However, I constructed it with double sided tape and they all fell down within 10 minutes. Guess I need magnets.
Anyways, that's an update for now. We visited a church today and really liked it. We'll try out their newlywed Sunday School class next week. Let's pray we love it because, well, we're not in the Bible belt anymore and unless we have plans to convert to Catholicism or Scientology, there aren't too many options for us. We'll also be going to a Boston vs. Baltimore game at Fenway Tuesday (GO ORIOLES!!!!!). You think I'm kidding? Nope. While Tim will be wearing his Red Sox sweatshirt, I'll boldly support my Yankees by wearing black and orange and rooting for Baltimore. I'm a true fan.
Talk to you later and we miss you ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Tim and Whitney
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