So the boy and I are officially engaged...finally. Due to baseball and all of it's plan-ruining abilities, we've had the date set for a while so that his grandfather and our families could plan travel and plans accordingly. Because of this, Tim had a challenge on his hands trying to surprise me since I knew it was coming pretty soon. He did a fantastic job. Here's how it all went down.
Under the ruse that we were going to a Rome Braves signing day, the boy and I hopped in the car and drove towards Rome. Using the GPS, he had an address of where the "signing day" was supposed to be held. Coming up on a hangar, and still not seeing any baseball players, he said we'd stop to ask directions. We pull into the parking lot and I see a massive sign that says "1-800-505-JUMP". I put 2 & 2 together...
I'm terrified. I've always SAID I wanted to skydive but I've never actually THOUGHT about what goes in to that. Looking at pictures of what the world looks like from 14,000 feet above ground, I didn't know that I wanted to actually jump out of a plane. Did I mention I can't climb a ladder I'm so scared of heights? I sucked it up, however, because he had obviously gone to a lot of trouble to set this up. It was awesome. I suggest you all have a go at it. Here's some pictures...

THEN... when I finally landed I got a big surprise :) I was so distracted by the fact that I just JUMPED OUT OF A PLANE, I was never expecting to find him on one knee. Here's some pictures of THAT special moment. :)

And now what all of you have been asking for...
Did I mention he's the best???
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