Thanks for visiting!
Tim plays baseball and Whitney follows him around. This page was created so that our friends and family can have a glimpse into our daily lives while we're on the road. Love and miss you all!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I'm Still Yours
I've made it a habit to listen to this song before Tim pitches. It just helps to remind me that no matter what happens, we're still in the Lord's hands. One thing I'm learning -albeit slowly- is that we won't always understand why God allows things to happen a certain way. But that doesn't negate the fact that we are His children and He never leaves us. I'm about to leave for a few days to go on vacation with my family. While I'm overjoyed about seeing them and spending time with them, I hate leaving my husband for such a long period. He'll pitch 3 times without me being there and I take it as my personal responsibility to help decompress him after a hard day. I don't like the fact that after a game I won't be there for him but I know that he's in our Savior's hands and no matter how far away I am, God's always near. My husband will always have Our Comforter and Redeemer's arms wrapped around him. And that's so much better than anything I could offer.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Working at the field, I get to hear a LOT of national anthems. Too many. And I've noticed that an astounding number of people singing the national anthem don't actually know the words. They just make them up and then hit a high note hoping we don't realize what just happened.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
So it's almost noon here, roughly 6 hours after Tim fell asleep. I've mainly been catching up on Grey's Anatomy and reading. But 6 hours is a long time and I'm in need of caffeine and my stomach's starting to talk to me I'm so hungry. So. I decided to sneak out and go grab some food. Then I noticed this once I got outside.

Yeah. My car in INSIDE the gate. I need to be outside of it to get food. Oh well. Guess I have to wait for Sleeping Beauty to wake up.
Yeah. My car in INSIDE the gate. I need to be outside of it to get food. Oh well. Guess I have to wait for Sleeping Beauty to wake up.
It's called "Being a Good Steward" *thankyouverymuch*
And here, ladies and gents, is our new residence... Drumroll please...

Yes. That is the bat boy's locker room. And before you start to go feeling sorry for us, let me explain. We have the moolah for a hotel room. But Tim got home today at around 6 in the morning having not slept a wink during the trip back from their road games so staying up was not an option. He needed sleep, and I didn't want to pay $50 for him to get 6 hours of it. If we check in now, the hotel will charge us for a full night and I, personally, don't consider that to be a good steward of our money. The clubbie says we're more than welcome to use the bat boy's locker room for Tim's... nap? For. Free. That's what I consider a good deal. And no. We're not sleeping on the floor.

That's what our handy dandy travel bed is for. I mean seriously...I freaking love my life. I've managed to find society's acceptable way to be a gypsy AND God just happened to bless me with the best guy possible to experience it all with. Much love to you all!
Yes. That is the bat boy's locker room. And before you start to go feeling sorry for us, let me explain. We have the moolah for a hotel room. But Tim got home today at around 6 in the morning having not slept a wink during the trip back from their road games so staying up was not an option. He needed sleep, and I didn't want to pay $50 for him to get 6 hours of it. If we check in now, the hotel will charge us for a full night and I, personally, don't consider that to be a good steward of our money. The clubbie says we're more than welcome to use the bat boy's locker room for Tim's... nap? For. Free. That's what I consider a good deal. And no. We're not sleeping on the floor.
That's what our handy dandy travel bed is for. I mean seriously...I freaking love my life. I've managed to find society's acceptable way to be a gypsy AND God just happened to bless me with the best guy possible to experience it all with. Much love to you all!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Mini Golf Anyone?
The view from my 2nd place of employment. Best job ever. I get to play on Excel, am surrounded by windows, and get lots of time to myself. Yay! Now I'm ready for Tim to get back.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Powerful message preached by the late E.V. Hill at his wife's funeral. He speaks about how the Lord gives AND he takes away and the sign of Christian maturity is to be able to praise God in both instances. I was also moved at the stories he told of his wife's humble nature and Godly ways.
Enjoy. :)
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