I might just start doing this every day. We'll see. http://www.needtobreathe.net/music/signature-of-divine-yahweh/ <-- Today's link. Once again click on the link, plug in your headphones, and TURN. IT. UP. Great song. Great meaning.
Cathedrals have tried in vain
To show the image of your face.
But we are, by your design,
The signature of divine.
We'll always sing your name.
Forever and today.
Yahweh, Yahweh...
Great is your glory when you go before me
Oh, we sing...
Holy, Holy...
Your ways are lovely. So high above me.
The fortunes of kings and queens
Are wasted chasing what we've seen.
Cause we are, by your reprieve,
The beauty framed by your suffering.
We'll always sing your name.
Forever and today.
Yahweh, Yahweh...
Great is your glory when you go before me
Oh, we sing...
Holy, Holy...
Your ways are lovely. So high above me.
Take me, and pull me through.
Cause I can't move without you.
I won't leave you alone, you say.
It will be okay.
Yahweh, Yahweh...
Great is your glory when you go before me
Oh, we sing...
Holy, Holy...
Your ways are lovely. So high above me.
Yahweh, Yahweh...
Great is your glory when you go before me
Oh, we sing...
Holy, Holy...
Your ways are lovely. So high above me.
Ancient of Days...
And yes. It's another Needtobreathe song. I can't help it that they're just that good.
Thanks for visiting!
Tim plays baseball and Whitney follows him around. This page was created so that our friends and family can have a glimpse into our daily lives while we're on the road. Love and miss you all!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
On Loan
God has really laid on my heart a certain phrase these past few days... "It's on loan". He's also revealing to me that this applies to everything in life. Our abilities, our successes, our money, our children, our jobs - everything. God loans us these things so that while we have the opportunity with them we can use them to further His kingdom. That's it. It's not about us, it's not about how much we can gain from our successes; everything we have is on loan to us for a short time. We can't take the credit. All we need to do is thank the Lord that He's given us the vessels to use to glorify Him. I pray we can always remember that. Nothing is ours. Nothing is permanent. Everything is His. Everything is about HIM.
And up upon the hills...
Tim got to pitch on television, with the major league guys, at Turner Field tonight. I pray that the rejoicing we're doing now in the good times, continues when it's our turn in the valleys. But for now, thank you Lord. "Every good and perfect gift is from above..." -James 1:17
http://www.needtobreathe.net/music/shine-on/ <---Go here, plug in your headphones, turn up the volume, and worship. :) Somewhere between the end And the point where we begin There's a fire burning brightly That's found it's way to dim When the feeling's gone... Shine on, shine on and into something new it's long and overdue I will remember you Shine on, shine on And let the others see You've got your victory Will you remember me I was with you in the valley And up upon the hill So take just one more step in front of you For I am with you still And you're not alone Shine on, shine on and into something new it's long and overdue I will remember you Shine on, shine on And let the others see You've got your victory Will you remember me Can you see my hands are open I am waiting just ahead And you think you need it all now But you needed me instead Shine on shine on Shine oh shine on won't you won't you shine chorus Somewhere between the end And the point where you begin...
Monday, March 28, 2011
No Tim, No Fun Night
Sunday, March 27, 2011
As many of you know, baseball season is among us. This means last minute living situations, not knowing where we'll be, enduring cuts and moves. All in all, situations that I stress over. Recently one of Tim's friends, Dave, gave us a book to read called "Fearless" by Max Lucado. Really he gave it to Tim to read but I stole it and read it too. Lucado encourages us to live fearless in everything we do because "if God is for us, who can be against us?" Now, most of you are aware of the fact that I grew up in a Christian home, went to a Christian school, and attended church most every time the doors were open. I've heard this before. I am knowledgeable about the fact that God wrote our story and He knows the ending. My head understands that God is bigger than us and in control. We have no need to fear. Apparently, God decided to work on my heart believing that this year. This book jumpstarted something in me that I know full and well God will finish. And I have to say... I'm ready and willing. I've admitted it before that I have an extremely difficult time trusting anyone with anything. It's a fault. I know. However wrong it may be, it is a deep rooted fear of mine to hand over anything important to me to someone else. Whether it be my heart, my dreams, work related tasks, my insecurities, etc., I like to hold on to these and keep them all to myself. Most of all? My fears. At some point in my life, I decided that it is imperitive that I be perfect. Even if I'm not, I must hide my faults and make everyone at least think that I am. I'm sure it was a multitude of events that led me to think this way. However it came to be, God has now decided to focus on ridding me of this fear. We can't truly accept His grace until we fully admit that we need it. But that's another topic for another day. Lucado's book really brought home the fact that I am holding on to these things because I am fearful. As hard as it is to admit, there is a small part of me that is afraid God can't or won't handle these things for me. Now don't go getting all judgy (I think I made that word up) on me and start preaching how God is bigger than all my problems. As I mentioned before...I KNOW this. However, I have never fully allowed myself to BELIEVE this. The prayer that Jesus prayed when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane shows me a lot. Let's look: "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. Oh man. Because Jesus was human, He didn't necessarily want to do this. He says here "take this cup from me". But here's where He trusted God and says "YET not my will but yours be done". That's faith. This man was sweating blood. Sweating. Blood. Yet Jesus trusted his Father and followed through. One of my favorite songs is by Ginny Owens. It goes like this: The pathway is broken And The signs are unclear And I don't know the reason why You brought me here But just because You love me the way that You do I'm gonna walk through the valley If You want me to Cause I'm not who I was When I took my first step And I'm clinging to the promise You're not through with me yet so if all of these trials bring me closer to you Then I will walk through the fire If You want me to It may not be the way I would have chosen When you lead me through a world that's not my home But You never said it would be easy You only said I'd never go alone So When the whole world turns against me And I'm all by myself And I can't hear You answer my cries for help I'll remember the suffering Your love put You through And I will go through the valley If You want me to That's who I want to be. Walking through even the fires when that's what God calls me to do. I have to remember - and truly believe - that not only does God know the ending to my story, He wrote the whole book. Living situations, moves, financials...all of it. God loves me more than my human mind could ever fathom. HE WILL NOT LET ME DOWN. I once read an old Chinese proverb that said this "That birds of doubt fly over your head, this you can not help. But that they make a nest in your hair- this you can help" For some very strange reason, this has stuck with me. I am human. Doubts and fears will creep up at times, but as a child of God I have to remember that Satan is trying to attack and I have to be prepared for battle. God gives us power to resist and when we resist, Satan will flee. God is big. God is HUGE. God does not fit in a box that I try to fit Him in. He created heavens, earth, and all things in it. One day every knee will bow and every tongue confess. Though I may be scared, I have to choose to trust. He's never failed me. He never will. I'll leave you with this quote by Chrysostom. He was the archbishop of Constantinople and I believe he had a good handle on this: "What can I fear? Will it be death? But you know that Christ is my life, and that I shall only gain by death. Will it be exile? But the earth and all its fulness is the Lord;s. Will it be the loss of weath? But we have brought nothing into the world and can carry nothing out. Thus all the terrors of the world are contemptible in my eyes; and I smile at all its good things. Poverty I do not fear; riches I do not sigh for. Death I do not shrink from " Well... Ok then.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Tim pitched in a Big League game today and did really well!! God has given him so many talents and I am thankful everyday that Tim gives God all the glory!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Despite a few minor incorrect facts, it's a pretty good article. But let's not kid ourselves guys - the important thing here is not this article about Tim; it's that they spelled my name right. Take a look...
Friday, March 18, 2011
They forgot to count the biggest factor...
"As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”
Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”
“We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.
“Bring them here to me,” he said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children."
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
This is my Spring Training life. Sometimes I feel sorry for the boy because he has to work all day but I get over it quick. :) On another note, Tim and I are seriously missing our Hudson, MA friends, Laura and Cody. It'd be great to have them here with us! Talk to you all soon!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Luuucy! I'm Hoooommmee!
So, obviously, I've been gone way too long. The boy got home and I got so caught up in work and hanging out with him, I've neglected to write. Don't fret...I'm back. We're no longer in Boston, we're now down in Orlando for Spring Training. I have way too many pictures to post them all in one blog so I'll do it slowly over the next several months or so. The ones here is from when Tim and I went to the Celtics vs. Magic game. 
I LOVED Boston but
holy quacamole...it was frickin COLD. Snow, snow, and MORE SNOW. I shoveled the driveway so much I thought my arms would fall off!
Needless to say, we're thoroughly enjoying Florida's fine weather!
So anyhow... Tim and I left Boston on Thursday almost a week ago. We had plans to make it a two day drive but as everyone knows, all plans go awry...Well ours do anyways...
We got so excited about coming home, we made the entire 18 hour drive in one trip. I slept while he drive, and visa versa. BUT, we made it to Atlanta, said hello to the pup, and I drove HOME to see the family! It was so good being there and seeing everyone after so long. Time passed too quickly and next thing I knew I was unpacking all of our winter clothes and re-packing our summer clothes. We headed to Orlando with the dog in tow and now here we are. It's crazy to me how much I've come to look forward to baseball Spring Training. And no... it's not the fact that it's a month-long vacation by the pool to me. Well, ok, maybe it is.
That's enough for now. The pool is calling my name :) Talk to you all soon!
holy quacamole...it was frickin COLD. Snow, snow, and MORE SNOW. I shoveled the driveway so much I thought my arms would fall off!
So anyhow... Tim and I left Boston on Thursday almost a week ago. We had plans to make it a two day drive but as everyone knows, all plans go awry...Well ours do anyways...
We got so excited about coming home, we made the entire 18 hour drive in one trip. I slept while he drive, and visa versa. BUT, we made it to Atlanta, said hello to the pup, and I drove HOME to see the family! It was so good being there and seeing everyone after so long. Time passed too quickly and next thing I knew I was unpacking all of our winter clothes and re-packing our summer clothes. We headed to Orlando with the dog in tow and now here we are. It's crazy to me how much I've come to look forward to baseball Spring Training. And no... it's not the fact that it's a month-long vacation by the pool to me. Well, ok, maybe it is.
That's enough for now. The pool is calling my name :) Talk to you all soon!
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